Monday, July 31, 2006
Holy Shit! So that's where all the Uruguayans have gone!

Here stands Pollo, erect en dos sentidos, and disillusioned once again by the inhumanity surrounding all chickens these days.
And to put salt in the wounds of those poor, remaining Uruguayans, Cannibal's Restaurant now has servicio domicilio.
Viva Uruguay! Viva Pollo!
Wait, this also explains why the few people we saw in Uruguay were 65 and older.
Reminds me of the taco stand in Mexico that had a cat farm across the street.
Friday, July 28, 2006
always outnumbered, never outgunned
my castle is crumbling all around me.
i have a negative amount of money in my checking account, my car is out of gas, and for the eigth straight week in a row my cupboards remain bare.
i can live with all of that, but then people start talking and i forget why i should.
my younger self is itching to make a comeback.
let's just see who the winner is
i have a negative amount of money in my checking account, my car is out of gas, and for the eigth straight week in a row my cupboards remain bare.
i can live with all of that, but then people start talking and i forget why i should.
my younger self is itching to make a comeback.
let's just see who the winner is
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The Castle
Today, I wore my Kafka T-Shirt in honor of the great adventure I undertook with C and A. We hit the centro of Asuncion, but received nothing but a "You're lucky you are not in jail or deportred."
A was cool, and C was sitching, as was I. A wanted to know why it is so hard to conseguir papeles legales, and I had no choice but to explain the reason. She seemed to understand, as she understands many adult things.
Obviously, we all have our sitches, and no sitch is necessarily sitcher than another. To try to contemplate that would result in absurd competition.
Of course it could be fun to place bets and what not... jajaja
Dudes del mundo, no olvidamos que... this is a venue for authenticity and understanding. If we deviate from that we will have failed in our endevour to promote autenticity and understanding.
Drunken comments are accepted like anything else. No worries cuz ed. Suicidal comments are equally accepted. The only non exceptable shit is unauthenticity. Remember that bros. No judgement.
Keep saying or showing anything dudes! Do not hesitate, for hesitation is for the weak. This venue is for all thoughts that are authentic, however fleeting they may be. If you don´t like it, you know what to do.
Please refer to the definition of this blog if any doubts ever occur.
Fuck man...
A was cool, and C was sitching, as was I. A wanted to know why it is so hard to conseguir papeles legales, and I had no choice but to explain the reason. She seemed to understand, as she understands many adult things.
Obviously, we all have our sitches, and no sitch is necessarily sitcher than another. To try to contemplate that would result in absurd competition.
Of course it could be fun to place bets and what not... jajaja
Dudes del mundo, no olvidamos que... this is a venue for authenticity and understanding. If we deviate from that we will have failed in our endevour to promote autenticity and understanding.
Drunken comments are accepted like anything else. No worries cuz ed. Suicidal comments are equally accepted. The only non exceptable shit is unauthenticity. Remember that bros. No judgement.
Keep saying or showing anything dudes! Do not hesitate, for hesitation is for the weak. This venue is for all thoughts that are authentic, however fleeting they may be. If you don´t like it, you know what to do.
Please refer to the definition of this blog if any doubts ever occur.
Fuck man...
The Castle
Today, I wore my Kafka T-Shirt in honor of the great adventure I undertook with C and A. We hit the centro of Asuncion, but received nothing but a "You're lucky you are not in jail or deportred."
A was cool, and C was sitching, as was I. A wanted to know why it is so hard to conseguir papeles legales, and I had no choice but to explain the reason. She seemed to understand, as she understands many adult things.
Obviously, we all have our sitches, and no sitch is necessarily sitcher than another. To try to contemplate that would result in absurd competition.
Of course it could be fun to place bets and what not... jajaja
Dudes del mundo, no olvidamos que... this is a venue for authenticity and understanding. If we deviate from that we will have failed in our endevour to promote autenticity and understanding.
Drunken comments are accepted like anything else. No worries cuz ed. Suicidal comments are equally accepted. The only non exceptable shit is unauthenticity. Remember that bros. No judgement.
Keep saying or showing anything dudes! Do not hesitate, for hesitation is for the weak. This venue is for all thoughts that are authentic, however fleeting they may be. If you don´t like it, you know what to do.
Please refer to the definition of this blog if any doubts ever occur.
Fuck man...
A was cool, and C was sitching, as was I. A wanted to know why it is so hard to conseguir papeles legales, and I had no choice but to explain the reason. She seemed to understand, as she understands many adult things.
Obviously, we all have our sitches, and no sitch is necessarily sitcher than another. To try to contemplate that would result in absurd competition.
Of course it could be fun to place bets and what not... jajaja
Dudes del mundo, no olvidamos que... this is a venue for authenticity and understanding. If we deviate from that we will have failed in our endevour to promote autenticity and understanding.
Drunken comments are accepted like anything else. No worries cuz ed. Suicidal comments are equally accepted. The only non exceptable shit is unauthenticity. Remember that bros. No judgement.
Keep saying or showing anything dudes! Do not hesitate, for hesitation is for the weak. This venue is for all thoughts that are authentic, however fleeting they may be. If you don´t like it, you know what to do.
Please refer to the definition of this blog if any doubts ever occur.
Fuck man...
Sunday, July 23, 2006
fuck the early risers.
the non call-back-ers...
the excuse-makers,
and garden variety hardworkers.
fuckers in their lonely beds at 8 pm,
early to bed, early to rise
early graves
fuck their echoing empty promises
just because they keep repeating it, doesn't make it true-
fuck the love of living
the opportunity takers
the go-for-the-golders
who reach past anything and everything to grab for the top
i wear my scars like the rings on a pimp
i live life like the captain of a sinking ship
fuck all the rest
the non call-back-ers...
the excuse-makers,
and garden variety hardworkers.
fuckers in their lonely beds at 8 pm,
early to bed, early to rise
early graves
fuck their echoing empty promises
just because they keep repeating it, doesn't make it true-
fuck the love of living
the opportunity takers
the go-for-the-golders
who reach past anything and everything to grab for the top
i wear my scars like the rings on a pimp
i live life like the captain of a sinking ship
fuck all the rest
Friday, July 21, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
The Sky is not Yellow it's Pollo
Gentlemen on the prowl: IT would seem that conciousness has been altered would it not? I mean who reads this shit anyway? At times I find myself wondering just how many beers Iceman will drink before he starts pissin' kidney stones. Everybody must get stones. Really, it's not as bad as all that but come on, suicide is so Hemingway and that dude's been dead longer than any of us have been contemplating suicide. Remember, there is only what you do and do not, all else is mere conjecture, conjectively speaking of course. It's obvious isn't it, salmon should be kept in the fridge lest it need to thaw.
Already I'm regretting all the mistakes I'm likely to make, grammar is such a bore. Perhaps we'd be better off writing hieroglyphics in the snow with our piss, or in the dust for that matter and it just doesn't matter. What I'm getting on here is that I want attention, accolades, respect: tangibles, motherfuckers, tangibles. It's times like these that make me sneeze, and if the snot's sticky and green you must acquit! There's a difference between a bastard and your brother, but they both start with B. Big B, little b, what begins with B? That bastard brother of yourn's big brass balls. Fuckin' monkey.
There are those of us who choose to abstain from the most basic of excesses. Voting, playing the lottery, and engaging in senseless discussions on the topic of gay marraige. And there are those to whom excess is a way of life. I'm thinking Oso Blancos colonoscopy photos - FUCK!!!!!! It really is only just a matter of time, and if you think about it time is now. I mean we don't get older by the year or decade, we get older in the now...every second of every second fucking second. A gray hair appears instantly. Age happens now. Instant baldness. Instant karma. Instant coffee. Instantly instant for instance. So, then, perhaps all we have to do is to recognize that we have no time. NO time for this, no time for that, no time for maybes and definately no time to take a shit.
ONe can only imagine.
Is it possible that we've jumped. Already. Into the soup. From the bridge of no hope. Jumping. Already. Have. Jumped. Into. Soup. Bridge. Fading. Never. Not. Ever. Gone.? How or what is it to know? And in knowing is it real? What's real? Re? Al? R? E? A? L? Is hope real? Hope? Does my dog need hope or is he incapable of hopelessness? Is it capability that is to blame? As we are able we are damned? This is getting heavy, and maybe it is that we've jumped. No hope. Bridge. Already.?
Like the Iceman I too do love my brothers. However, unlike Iceman, I'm still employed. Kant pay my mortgage, but still employed.
Pollo, why do they call you chicken?
Already I'm regretting all the mistakes I'm likely to make, grammar is such a bore. Perhaps we'd be better off writing hieroglyphics in the snow with our piss, or in the dust for that matter and it just doesn't matter. What I'm getting on here is that I want attention, accolades, respect: tangibles, motherfuckers, tangibles. It's times like these that make me sneeze, and if the snot's sticky and green you must acquit! There's a difference between a bastard and your brother, but they both start with B. Big B, little b, what begins with B? That bastard brother of yourn's big brass balls. Fuckin' monkey.
There are those of us who choose to abstain from the most basic of excesses. Voting, playing the lottery, and engaging in senseless discussions on the topic of gay marraige. And there are those to whom excess is a way of life. I'm thinking Oso Blancos colonoscopy photos - FUCK!!!!!! It really is only just a matter of time, and if you think about it time is now. I mean we don't get older by the year or decade, we get older in the now...every second of every second fucking second. A gray hair appears instantly. Age happens now. Instant baldness. Instant karma. Instant coffee. Instantly instant for instance. So, then, perhaps all we have to do is to recognize that we have no time. NO time for this, no time for that, no time for maybes and definately no time to take a shit.
ONe can only imagine.
Is it possible that we've jumped. Already. Into the soup. From the bridge of no hope. Jumping. Already. Have. Jumped. Into. Soup. Bridge. Fading. Never. Not. Ever. Gone.? How or what is it to know? And in knowing is it real? What's real? Re? Al? R? E? A? L? Is hope real? Hope? Does my dog need hope or is he incapable of hopelessness? Is it capability that is to blame? As we are able we are damned? This is getting heavy, and maybe it is that we've jumped. No hope. Bridge. Already.?
Like the Iceman I too do love my brothers. However, unlike Iceman, I'm still employed. Kant pay my mortgage, but still employed.
Pollo, why do they call you chicken?
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Cuz Ed, How's my lawn?
Quote of the day. "You always know you're alive in the guay, because the second you don't, you're dead."
Highlights of last two days:
1. Hans showed up from Argentina.
2. Went on hardcore barrio run with pollo (almost got schniked 3 times. refer to quote of the day)
3. Grilled killer bife de chorizo on pollos hardcore grill, with the much needed aid of Oso Blanco's light he had installed.
4. Saw Maya, the elephant that stomped on that kid's head until his brains oozed out a while back.
5. Saw the whale eye in the museum (unfortch, it had been ripped off of the brain and put into a separate jar.
6. Saw first stop sign in eight days.
7. Beer is still practically free.
8. Damn, this list will never end, and I need more beer.
Highlights of last two days:
1. Hans showed up from Argentina.
2. Went on hardcore barrio run with pollo (almost got schniked 3 times. refer to quote of the day)
3. Grilled killer bife de chorizo on pollos hardcore grill, with the much needed aid of Oso Blanco's light he had installed.
4. Saw Maya, the elephant that stomped on that kid's head until his brains oozed out a while back.
5. Saw the whale eye in the museum (unfortch, it had been ripped off of the brain and put into a separate jar.
6. Saw first stop sign in eight days.
7. Beer is still practically free.
8. Damn, this list will never end, and I need more beer.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Disillusionment at 11 o'clock
Today I awoke to Pollo saying,"dude, we have to get to Caro's house, cuz you told her we wouldn't flake. I woke up feeling very well.
We hung out for hours and got hit on by majorly elder chicks at the dispensa.
Ultimately we came back and ate kick ass sandwiches and drank beer.
Paraguay is by far the best country I have ever visited. I would move here in a heart beat. In fact, the next time I contemplate suicide, I will just buy a ticket to the guay. It seems to be working this time. I'm still alive and loving life.
Cuz ed, please take care of the plant sitch.
We hung out for hours and got hit on by majorly elder chicks at the dispensa.
Ultimately we came back and ate kick ass sandwiches and drank beer.
Paraguay is by far the best country I have ever visited. I would move here in a heart beat. In fact, the next time I contemplate suicide, I will just buy a ticket to the guay. It seems to be working this time. I'm still alive and loving life.
Cuz ed, please take care of the plant sitch.
The Price of Authenticity

Speaking of which... Here it goes... "Hey man how could you cut me? I've been nominated for teacher of the yhear two years in a row. " The English teacher indignantly informs the helpless and powerless principal.
"Well we just don't think White Bear Lake is the right match for you. We're sure you would do great in a different school," the principal stated mechanically.
"Look man, I was hired here for the specific reason to bring diversity to the district, and now your telling me White Bear Lake isn't right for me? Of course it's not right for me! If it were right for me that would defeate the entire purpose of hiring me in te first place. If this were right for me, I would not be bringing diversity to the district and, therfore, I'd be like everyone else, and I have to repeat myself here to emphasis the undeniable fact that I am being cut for the precise reason that I was hired in the first place.
Assistant superintendent: we understand your frustration, but it is your very frustration that leads us to the decision that you'd be happier elsewhere.
"So would you grant me the courtesy of telling me where you think I would find a place that's right for me? "
Principal: "Well, since you refuse to follow school policies, and demonstrate little to no respect toward staf developmentmeetings, I would say you should consider an alternative profession."
"An alternative profession!? Dp upi gius lmpw jpw ;pmg O\ve beem teaching and what it means to me?"
"Yes. we imderstamd..."
"Teaching is my life. Ask any teacher in this school to describe his/her philosphy of teaching his/her subject, and you will get blank and/or panicky looks. Go ahead and ask me ANY question concerning English, and I gaurantee there will be NO hesitaion in my response."
"But you'r already done here."
"Aren't you even human enough or even intellectually courious enough to hear what this "cut" teacher has to say?"
"We've got a meeting in five minutes."
"Ok, I won't keep you, but would you please satisfy my curiousity on one point? I'll never bother you again regardless of your responses."
Reluctantly the Ass. Prince aquieces.
"Ok, here it comes... In your opinion, what is the point of teaching literature and writing?
"What lomd pf a question is that?
"Do you mean to tell me that you have not asked youselves that question, and yhe you feel confident about choosing who teaches english in your school and who doesn't?"
Defensively, "It's not about the individual instruction a teacher provides. \it's his/her willingness to be a team player."
"Yeah but you're not answering the ..."
"A school cannot function properl;y with teachers who don't value tjhe school policy and refuse to adher to recommendations from the principal."
"The principal!? Who's teh principal? So far he is someone who cannot articulate the purpose of teachign literature and writing! In fact, I'll leave this office right now without so much as a frown if eiother of you could articulate the purpose of any class,.....
Vamos a Brahma

Brahma man. I could not think of a better name for a beer.
There are no stop signs in this county, and everyone seems happy.
brahma is great beer, and it could not be better titled.
My vision is fading fast, but at least I can still hear. "if you're looking to get silly, you better go back from wence you came"
"Because the cops don't need you and man they expect the same."
"I started out on burgandy but soon hit the harder stuff, but the joke was on me, there was no one left even to bluff. Everybody said they'e stand behind me when the going got rough. I'm going back to new york city, I do believe I've had enough.
Oh where have you been my blue eyed girl. I've stepped in the middle of seven sad oceans. and it's a hard and it's a hard and its a hard rain that's goin to fall.
Fuck Dylan. He is a genius, but damn, so are all average dudes who have something to say.
I listen to dylan, like I'm listening to myself.
I only hate arrogance when it is not backed up. If a person talks and walks, I don' t consider that arrogance. I consider it authenticity. Yes, I'm talking to you Harris! The executionor's face is always well hidden.
I have been fired from my teaching job man. Fired. Why? Dudes you all know why. Authenticity is feared and loathed by the second-handers of the world.
Suicide is just as pointless as living, and living seems much more entertaining. At least I get to communicate with average dudes like Katweasel, Pollo, Oso Blanco Less than zero (please don't kill yourself by the way), cuz ed, X, etc.
I know that all of of you can relate, or you would not even bother to write. Let's make a pact. No suicide. We have beer and undstanding.
Less than zero, call me man. You are a genius.
Katweasl, when you get to know oso blanco you guys will become blood brothers.
What are we doing friends? We are pursuing our own individual passions, whatever they may be. We are all contemplating despair, but none of us are giving up the fight.
I love all you guys like you're my brothers.
Please never feel like any of you have to hold back anything from this blog.
There is no judgement, only understanding; and without understanding we may as well use the 44 cal. No judement. Write whatever, just please write. All you dudes are my brothers.
Paul, please write. You're obvservations are impressive. Oso, don't worry man, you also hit the mark, LESS THAN ZERO, god damnit, write more shit man, if nothing else to let me know you are still alive. YOu are a genius;keep it coming. seriously.
Last note, no one commit suicide. Remember, south america.
I love you all.
Cuz Ed
Please take care of said plant man. Also, if you could mail "waking life" to us, that would be great, but no big deal if you can't.
If you are contemplating suicide, I highly recommend coming down here man. This place is a great reminder of why we don't blow our heads off.
If you are contemplating suicide, I highly recommend coming down here man. This place is a great reminder of why we don't blow our heads off.
Cuz Ed
Please take care of said plant man. Also, if you could mail "waking life" to us, that would be great, but no big deal if you can't.
If you are contemplating suicide, I highly recommend coming down here man. This place is a great reminder of why we don't blow our heads off.
If you are contemplating suicide, I highly recommend coming down here man. This place is a great reminder of why we don't blow our heads off.