The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
Dude, no wonder you are bursting with envy. If you think that anything even similar to that photo has been seen around here.
The women are beautiful, but very standoffish. I've been standoffish too, partially out of spite.
Our nordic brother, on the otherhand, gave it his all and came up short every time. What does that tell you?
I leave for BA in three hours man.
Photo update: 39 photos have been taken by Iceman in the guay. I will need to actually buy another disposible camara. There are photo ops everywhere you turn. You'd be proud ed, I even climbed a tree today to take a photo of the city skyline.
I guess you don't have to worry about my lawn since it's fried. Feel free to still drink beer and take siestas there though.
If the cat looks on the verge of death due to over heating, please attempt to turn on AC, otherwise, please don't touch. I'm not even sure that it works, since I've never even tried it.
Go ahead and keep thinking that we're experiencing your fantasies if it helps you sleep; otherwise, shift gears and gaze upon miss july, but not too covetously mind you.
Dude this month's ish is fantastical to say the very least of it. Damn, skippy!!!
I've been watering your lawn. Drastic lawn watering measures ED, drastic measures. I even pulled some weeds...and smoked some too (blew another gasket snafu). Talked to Dave. Found a dead bird, murdered with a firecracker tied around its neck (Avery?). Transplanted the WEED. No need to mow, but it rained hard for 10 minutes today.
It's mere months before I will be a millionare Eddy, how does it feel to wait? read closely...I need the address of your old apartment in Mexico City, you know the one that was a floor or two below your mother-in-law's apartment. Well, send me that address but instead of your old apartment number, put Gloria's apartment number into the address. Do this without gripe or I will turn your AC to full blast and let it run until you return.
Thanks Dude.
Wow, ed, I can´t tell you about the dead bird with the firecracker around it´s neck. Tough call. Weird things happen in that hood.
About the address, you really know how to motivate. Maybe you could become a professional motivator. Just find people´s weaknesses and expoit. Sounds easy enough.
Anyway, I´ll do my best to remember the address I had two years plus ago. Here goes...
Gloria Elizalde
dept. 801 Guadelupe Inn
Colonia oh shit...wait, I think Guadelupe Inn is the colonia, the street name was...fuck!!! Dude, I´ll call wify tonight and get back to you. Just whatever you do, do not turn on AC.
Feel free to investigate dead bird incident. It could be turtle boy, but I think I also have enemies in the hood. Could be the mex flag in garage, or the fact that I don´t give as much of a shit about my lawn as the rest of them. Could be a lot of things. Rule out nothing.
Is the cat still alive.
Oso, I think I´ll be getting the culo cam upon my return.
I'll investigate the bird but I fear It'll only amount to speculation.
I'll hold on the AC...for now. I was there two nights ago and the cat went out. I left a note for John to let cat in. It is supposed to be 100 degrees this weekend. If the cat is in, it will be hot.
Oh, and John told me that Drewsy escaped by knocking out a screened window that was open. The cat was gone for 4 days but came back, obviously.
Exciting things Ice. I hear you're having some intestinal issues. Dude, remember, I taught you a qigong move that covers such a malady. Good luck with that.
How's BA?
As for motivating people, I have been getting what I want this week. Eye of the Tiger.
Cuz ed, Thanks for the update on house and cat. Was the screen replaced? I assume John took care of it. Damn, I hope he{s not too annoyed. If he seems annoyed, give him a few beers and tell him that it is better to laugh than cry.
On the address issue, it came to me while I was daydreaming somehow.
dept. 801 avenida manuel m. ponce
col. guadalupe inn
mexico, df 01020
the things we remember while thinking of other things... just one more example of the obvious.
BA is obviously very cool, but time is limited as Nordic Man and I must board a ship for Uruguay early in the morning, but not early enough to stay up all night.
We are headed for colon first, then busing to montevideo, then boat back here by the 18th. By then I should be good and ready to stay up for my 1am surreal flight back to the guay. It{s good thing life is ironic, because those planes landing successfully certainly seems so.
about the intestinal shit. I think I{ll just lay off the booze for awhile and that would probably fix a lot of it. Hopefully. It{s tolerable. I just hope they have bidets in uruguay.
More later.
Cuz ed, wait! I forgot the edificio #. I believe it is 215 manuel m. ponce dept. 801
Really though, if they are photos for G, and G does not seem to mind if they arrive or not, I fail to see the urgency.
Please, let´s keep this sitch where it belongs, not between us.
The schuagg and G can be reached at 011527444858595 in acap. until 25th. after that it´s 011525555938998
I hope that´s the end of it.
Now onto bigger and better things. Nordic Man and I have arrived safely in the very colonial town of colonia de sacramento. Cool village. It won´t take long to get to know people around here.
The weather is anti-clime, as it is cold rain and off and on hail, but the cafes play cheesy 80´s music for our eccentric tastes.
We may end up huddled over a fire with a bottle of wine, a block of cheese, and some bread. Our hostel is reminiscent of the place we stayed in Bogota that surreal easter night. YOu know the one, when we had to run up hill a quarter mile to our hostel with a chicken in one hand and a bottle of cheap rum in the other?
Anyway, I hope you´re still getting your way. Oh and are we talking econimics, sex or both?
Bill update? Screen update? Does the feline still breath?
Oh and how high are your hopes of getting some of that 650 pounder?
man, did you dudes take the speed boat?
nothing happened in the guay today, other than an occurence in which a pollo was scene swimming around in a shark infested pool...interestingly the pollo ruffled up his feather, took a few pecks and hopped out seemingly unscathed..
segun tu email, llegaron en el otro Guay antes del mediodia...caro anda impresionada..y dice que por esto esta lloviedo alla....paz...
AVISO...prognostico para el guay para julio 19 hasta agosto ALGO VA A PASAR EN PARAGUAY..segun las angelitas)
Took the slow boat, but Colonia is not far from BA, can see the skyline from here.
It rained and hailed a bit yesterday, but nothing that kept us huddled for too long.
Funny you should mention sharks pollo. One of my many dreams last night included men in black uniforms chasing me, but you built a shitty latter in the middle of the parana river and I made it, but my pursuers kept falling off the breaking boards and got eaten by paranas. Punto pollo for shoddy workmanship.
The other guay is sunny today. We´ll see what happens.
Tomorrow we head to Montevideo by bus. 2 and a half hours, six bucks.
Pollo, watch out for more dudes in black uniforms.
Thanks ICe. My only concern with our wives war is keeping peace so that we can hang with out my woman bitching about your woman and making the whole damn scene impossible as it is already in the absurd way that most shit like this happens. Anyway, I'll head over to the palace tonight and see waz waaaht. Good luck down there, it's hot er than hades here.
i am a bit slow sometimes..i just figured out why i keep experiencing a very strong urge for a vodka and cranberry juice.
Thanks ed, it´s colder than a frozen turd here. Great day walking around the bay though.
Please replace any or all blown out screens and give me an update on the status of my reading chair. It would be just like that damn cat to fuck up my chair out of spite. Maybe give her some beer or something.
Pollo, I saw some shit that I thought could only happen in your guay. Apparantly this guay is in competition for the absurd. Your guay is still up on points overall though. However, I´ve only been in this guay two days.
Well dudes I'm back in Clevelburg. Homer, Alaska ranks a very solid 9.5 on the average dude places to list. Beautiful, minimal humans(mostly fishing people and hippy types). Fishing was excellent. Oso bagged a 125lb, 75 lb, 70 and a40 along with some 20ish halibut. Dudes you can wear your sunglasses at 11:00 in the eve.
The Homer Brewery ranks up there. Excellent beer. Buy a growler for 9bucks(68 oz). They pour it in a bottle fr
esh off the tapper. Scottish ale was the favorite of this bear.
PRices are the opposite of the Guay. Expensive but the incredible beauty and fishing make it worth it. Photos too be posted.
Iceman, Ran into some folks from the other guay in Homer. I had a guay t-shirt. The dude tripped out . You know why its cold in the other Guay? Its winter and unlike the guay its in a temperate area. Did you find the whaling port where the whale eye came from. Also what is the fishing deal there(salt water that is?)
Oso, sounds like your trip was a great success. Minimal humans sounds great. The fact that you ran into some dude from the other guay partially explains why there was hardly anyone there when I was there. That must have been a trip.
As far as assuming I don´t know why it is colder in the other guay, you must be as used to being surrounded by stupid motherfuckers in clevleland as I am in minnesota.
Fish report from the other guay is that a lot of people were trying to fish off of piers with cane poles, using raw fish as bait, but I never saw anyone catch anything. People were really applying themselves though. I noticed people out for the whole day (at least for as much of it as I was awake for).
I did not taste the water in Montevideo to see if it was salty. That is an excellent question. I wish I were still there to check and answer it. I figured not, but it´s got to be damn close. phaaaaaack.
Maybe Pollo and I will do some fishing when I get back to the guay.
Cuz ed. Is my house still standing? Is the cat alive?
Oso, the not knowing is what freaks me out about it, but it´s living to be sure. As long as there are some dudes around to bait my hook and take off what ever creature happens to take that bait, I´ll be cool.
I know you would have been fishing on that pier in Montevideo with the others. Apparantly all one needs is a long stick, a string, a hook, and some meat, and you´re set.
Too bad about the window. I´ve been down that road before. Only I was trying to get in. YOu were trying to get out?
and now for something completely different. I've been to Homer, AK but I didn't go fishing. Ran out of gas halfway between Homer and Kenai though.
ICE, your cat is MIA. That fucker got out a week ago when I was there. I tried to get her back in but she got aggressive and nasty like those Argentina women you've been telling me about. When John tried to grab her when she escaped the first time Drewsy went ballistic on his arm and he was in bandages from there on out.
I've been in contact with the neighbors, food and water has been left by the door but alas the only creatures eating are the maggots. It's not looking good man. Sorry.
Last night I was there calling her name and giving a cat whistle. Perhaps she will return when you and the family return.
On the other hand, I think I am rounding the corner on your burnt out lawn. Perhaps I'll even have to mow once before you return.
Pollo, I don't get it.
Oso, when can I expect some fish?
Thanks for the update Ed. Thanks for the extra effort on the cat too. You guys, especially John are trying waaaaay too hard. Best case scenario is that the cat does not return. I already told John not to worry, but apparantly he gives more of a shit than I. Damn, too bad about his arm. Drewsy is a Mexican street cat. I warned him.
Thanks for saving the lawn too. Have you paid any bills yet?
You sound good Ed. Take care of yourself and yourn. The sun is about to set on another day in BA. And the sun will also rise.
Good night Apollo, see you in the morning.
You yeah, so are things still going your way? and you never answered the question of whether you meant sexually, economically, both, or neither.
with free beer, gh, playboy and a reason to escape the house as part of the bargain, how do you figure I'm trying too hard?
This much is sure, your lawn will be greener than it is now upon your triumphant return. As for John and me, nobody wants to be the one that lost the cat.
I paid the Chase bill, still no sign of Bremer.
As for sexually, no, unless I do it myself. As for economically, I'm suprisingly flush for the next few moments...until I pay my bills, which I can. And in consideration of things which may or may not be going my way, the mojo seems to be waning but sooner or later it'll all come out in the wash. I guess I've mellowed a might bit since last week. My sister Sarah thinks I'm intense. Do you think I'm intense ICE?
Greet Nordic Man.
Good night, appropollo.
Have you showered yet OSO?
Cuz Ed..I only shower when there is no bath tub. I prefer the mandatory 1 hour soak while reading the morning papers. What were you doing in Homer?
I was traveling with my girlfriend. That was the part of the trip before we had car trouble and had to use most of our cash reserves to fix that overpriced foreign piece of shit. For a day or two we even considered getting jobs and an apartment there but alas it ain't cheap to rent in Homer. It would seem that it's cheaper just to buy 500 acres and build a Teepee.
Cuz Ed, thanks for paying that bill. You just saved me 35 bucks in late fees. You know how you'll be rewarded. Well hell, free beer, gh, and a reason to escape may be reward enough, but Pollo and I are still thinking about what you need from the guay. Unfortunately I can't leave the jardin to shop, but Pollo said we can have practically anything delivered.
Oso, kick ass way to start the day man. Soak in the tub and laugh at the world at the same time.
Actually I did something similar a few days ago at the "cat piss" hotel nordic man and I had in MOntevideo. I wasn't laughing at the world though, just the fact that we had just spent the night in a hotel that smelled like cat piss, and that as I was showering, Nordic man was running around town, frantically trying to figure out a way to get the fuck out of there. What happened next is a whole other story in itself.
I'd hear the story ICE. Went shooting with your old man and Tonis last night. GOt a bit outta hand you might say.
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