Vamos a Brahma

Brahma man. I could not think of a better name for a beer.
There are no stop signs in this county, and everyone seems happy.
brahma is great beer, and it could not be better titled.
My vision is fading fast, but at least I can still hear. "if you're looking to get silly, you better go back from wence you came"
"Because the cops don't need you and man they expect the same."
"I started out on burgandy but soon hit the harder stuff, but the joke was on me, there was no one left even to bluff. Everybody said they'e stand behind me when the going got rough. I'm going back to new york city, I do believe I've had enough.
Oh where have you been my blue eyed girl. I've stepped in the middle of seven sad oceans. and it's a hard and it's a hard and its a hard rain that's goin to fall.
Fuck Dylan. He is a genius, but damn, so are all average dudes who have something to say.
I listen to dylan, like I'm listening to myself.
I only hate arrogance when it is not backed up. If a person talks and walks, I don' t consider that arrogance. I consider it authenticity. Yes, I'm talking to you Harris! The executionor's face is always well hidden.
I have been fired from my teaching job man. Fired. Why? Dudes you all know why. Authenticity is feared and loathed by the second-handers of the world.
Suicide is just as pointless as living, and living seems much more entertaining. At least I get to communicate with average dudes like Katweasel, Pollo, Oso Blanco Less than zero (please don't kill yourself by the way), cuz ed, X, etc.
I know that all of of you can relate, or you would not even bother to write. Let's make a pact. No suicide. We have beer and undstanding.
Less than zero, call me man. You are a genius.
Katweasl, when you get to know oso blanco you guys will become blood brothers.
What are we doing friends? We are pursuing our own individual passions, whatever they may be. We are all contemplating despair, but none of us are giving up the fight.
I love all you guys like you're my brothers.
Please never feel like any of you have to hold back anything from this blog.
There is no judgement, only understanding; and without understanding we may as well use the 44 cal. No judement. Write whatever, just please write. All you dudes are my brothers.
Paul, please write. You're obvservations are impressive. Oso, don't worry man, you also hit the mark, LESS THAN ZERO, god damnit, write more shit man, if nothing else to let me know you are still alive. YOu are a genius;keep it coming. seriously.
Last note, no one commit suicide. Remember, south america.
I love you all.
you're acually the only one to ever ask me specifically, even though a lot of people think it. ("man, that <0 is so suicidal they gotta wear shades...")
i am honoured to be asked to join your pact.
there've been times, and it's usually you i get on the other end of the phone when i'm dialling for a reason. and you've never failed to give me one.
i feel the same way about letting the people who are important to me know just how much they are. because no one is going to be around forever and it is a terrible thing to leave people not knowing how much you appreciate and even love them.
you are my K.
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