Rough Times All Around For Average Dudes

Well dudes, unemployment is high, nasty domestic sitches are spiralling out of control, and there seems to only be one full beer left in the fridge. Fortunately, beer is still legal, and we can get more.
We may soon require an average dude rally to up the morale of average dudes, whereever they may be lurking these days. I think Brazil would be the best place to do this. Of course Moco Joe stipulates a brief stop in Bolivia on the way to stock up on the necessary vitamins.
Any other suggestions (Assuming the bridge of no hope is out of the question)?
As a member of the gainfully unemployed I can echo that call. However, domestic sitches must be dealt with in a quick and efficient manner. Buy 12 packs and try to maintain a reserve stash. Perhaps an extra fridge could help ease things. The bridge of no hope has been dynamited(spelling is fucked) by sappers. Let the dust settle first.Now it is time for Oso to head to el clase de Espanol.
how is it that Moco Joe always gets the last beer? see you brothers in brazil, minnesota, or wherever a pollo can find a lukewarm beer....
Yeah man, a dude really has to keep his eye on that monkey. Sometimes I open my cooler, and half the case is gone.
as Average Dudes stumble around the dark paths of rough times, they can rest assured that certain monkeys are screeching and radical chickens are putting razors on their feet to fight for what they deem as just.
This average dude, after being taught how to collect unemployment last night, will be collecting recognition as an excellent educator tomorrow night.
I advised future average dude student to wait until he is 30 to read the fountainhead. I told him that he will have suffered enough at the hands of his authenticity by then to really appreciate the book. He looked somewhat puzzled, but he'll figure it out.
The sheephead are biting here on the north coast. Unfortunately a major beer spill was had. Forget about new car smell how about old beer smell. WILL BE HAVING A CHIPPER SHREDDER PARTY TODAY>
as an averagae dude rereading The Fountainhead at post thirty who read it at 21, your advice, i find, is 21 i realized that the book was quality, cuz it made me feel, but the feeling was an obscure that i have somewhat of a grasp on things like Hope, Dispair, praise and blame, etc...i feel an understanding
by the does one collect unemployment?...and can you collect it from foreign countries...i met some euro chicks (french? cannot remember..german?) in brazil who said they could collect from abroad for six months, so they went to brazil to peru via The Guay and bolivia.....
and oso blanco..what the hell kind of chips are you shredding these days...and i know a few gorgeous illegal aliens from brazil who live in the Guay who send you their best..
No cowchips just old tree limbs and tomatoeplants leaves the detritus left over from winter. On collecting unemployment. Working in the contstruction industry has provided me with the opportunity to file for unemployment a number of times...the longest me about 50 weeks. First you get yuour check stub. Find ou how to file(bureau of employment services in phone book). File. Find out how often you have to file and how.I have applied at offices in Atlanta, Phili and Madison Wisc all on an Ohio claim. Travel tou Europe or anywhere is possible. I have done it. Fountainhead Ayn Rand? No dudes no!
Oso Blanco,
Do actually fish FOR sheepheads? Fuck man, we consider that rough fish in MN.
You would have appreciated the Upper Red Lake last weekend. Everyone caught his limit of walley in less than and hour on each voyage. I caught one sheephead, and through it back. Do you have a special recipe for sheephead? If you do, I'd love to hear it.
On unemployment, thanks for the valuable info. Were you claiming unemployment in all of those different states simultaneously, or just over the years?
What percentage of your normal wage did you receive. I'll be hitting the lines soon, and would love to still be able to make it to the Guay.
Oh, and what specifically, do you not like about The Fountainhead? I feel a potential discussion forming.
Sheephead are a by catch when fishing for perch. However a 20 pounder would be fun. Sometimes we fish for whatever hits. Eat sheephead...are people don't do that. Unemployment have only collected from ohio but have checked in in various states. Amount of money varies from state to state. The only cost of going to the guay that you couldn't deal with on unemployment is the airfare otherwise everything else(especially for average dudes)is practically free.(4 liters of beer approx 3.50 us dollars) Bring a carton of cigs cause the ones there are more fillers than tabak. Ayn Rand is not a friend of Marxists and commies. Will read book and then tell you what I think. Book to read though is by patrick Hamilton called "Twenty Thousand Streets Under The Sky" a trilogy about drunks, love and prostitutes among other things.
Oso, thanks for the info. Sheepheads are hardcore fighters to be sure. They are fun to catch, but yeah, I've never heard of anyone eating them.
Thanks for the tip about the cigs. I quit smoking about three weeks ago, but one never knows how long it will last.
I heard that MN gives about 80 percent of salary. If that's true, I should be good to go to the guay.
Iceman, We have a case of a distressed Pollo down in the guay. Sounds like he is getting beat up by some crazy wacko from a Lifetime Channel movie. Average dudes
Sorry key board went down. Average dudes must send help!
Giant sheephead kill on shores of lake erie. Hundreds of thosebastards dead(but they must be there for a reason) lying on the shores. They Say a virus. 100s of perch too. No virus> Suspect humans too be the culprit.
Yes, the ruffled feathers have been floating all the way to MN. I have sent moco joe on a mission to try to calm things down. He usually does a pretty good job, but this may be too difficult for even moco joe to handle.
Oso, are you suggesting and emergency trip to the guay?
Be sort of like jumping out of an airplane into a forest fire. I think things will be ok.
Fish report: 6 sheephead, 2 fine perch. Tommorrow is another day.
Go for it. Make sure you are not wearing polyester cause it melts and will stick to your body. A shipment of regular malt-o-meal would be appreciated down in the guay. Try Orbitz or if you can get lucky TAM(you have to call them on the phone). There are day flights that get you into Asuncion around midnight. Friday night good time cause rich dudes means no customs(at least my observation). Fish report : 4 sheephead and 1 perch. Will try another spot today. Today's song: Ring of Fire!
Thanks, Hey Oso, do you have to actually mail your passport anywhere to get a visa for the guay, or can you go somewhere to do it?
What is TAM? I'm shooting for a layover in BA, so I think I'm going to use a travel agent.
Fishing report, 1, 4" sunny.
i wish i had waited til 30 to read the fountainhead. no wait, i wish i had waited til 40. those of you who know my life expectancy are allowed to chuckle at that-
i'll never care who john galt is.
John Galt? How can you be so sure?
<0, you just got old too fast. You should have been able to buy beer by age 8 I'm sure.
Are you still looking for that organ? Damn, I'd give you mine, but two is barely enough at this point.
i think you're right about the growing old too fast-my brain started aging like a puppy from the day i became aware of conscious thought, and yet to this day i still get carded for cigarettes.
and yes i'm still in the market for a new kidney, as my last offer fell through with the owner's plan for marriage.
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