Saturday, March 11, 2006

10 months in the lotus: no food, no water...not a word


Blogger Iceman said...

That dude looks like he's being pumped pretty full of heroin. William Burroughs theorized that a person can actually live longer on a steady supply of heroin than without it. Very strangely, he tested this theory out on earth worms. The result was that the injected worms did indeed out last the uninjected worms by great lengths of time.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Iceman said...

He might as well be. I wonder what would happen if I had my wife call school tomorrow and tell them that I can't come to work, because I've been in the lotus position all weekend without food or water.

I guess if I really were, it would not matter.

5:43 PM  
Blogger CUZED said...

That's cuz they felt no pain Icey.

Plastic Fantastic Oso.

Does a dude in need of a heart transplant worry about the mortgage?

Answer: depende

Perhaps its all a matter of, water, the lotus position, doggy style (OSo's fave), or just having your wife call you "enlightened" to work.

What amazes me is how little there is to say about one whom has supposedly transcended what we mortals consider to be reality. Why is this not on the news 24/7? What don't they want us to know? Or do we know it already? And if we do, that might just be our problem. I really don't know.

12:35 PM  
Blogger Iceman said...

Maybe more would be on the news if enough people were making money off tee shirts, movies and action figures.

12:47 PM  
Blogger CUZED said...

Good point Icey! Maybe we should fly over there and market the shit out of buddha boy! Hell, let's do it from here.

10:51 AM  

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