Average Dude in the Guay Waiting for July

pending observation of the day.
This dude could just as well be either of us post world cup game, except we were munching on chawarma, which for anyone who does not know what that is, it is more or less a Lebanese burrito.
Cuz Ed, again, please take care of the plant sitch.
Now it is time for the highlights of the day:
1. Iceman awoke before noon.
2. Got squirted down with chuchi cologne from hot chick in mall, with genuine smile.
3. Watched Italy/Ukraine game on big screen in mall surrounded by buckets of beer, and everyone was cheering for Ukraine.
4. Pollo's maid is hot, and made my bed while I was not looking, even though I don't care.
5. Pollo's hot maid invited us to a dinner with her hot mom and cousins.
6. Must now walk around, because we're temporarily out of highlight. WAIT!!! did I mention the bidet? (Oso Blanco, what the fuck man? no fan of the bidet? Wow!)
More later,
Iceman/Pollo over and out.
If no more later(in the words of less than zero) avenge death.
Starting off right! Fuck the bus you can save even more by walking. Iceman here's the challenge walk to the Lido bar and back. Unfortunately the weather is cool so it will be easy on you. Perhaps a 3 litre handicap is in order. You have to check out the prison(its to the right of the cemetery as you go down town on the 38 bus(Caro knows). Ahh I can taste the Shwarma....
On the bidet.... I tried it and got a culo freeze probably would work if I went through a cultural immersion. Iceman I just picked up a small chest freezer now I've a place to put the fish. While you guys are freezing in the brutal Paraguayan winter next week I will be baskin in the torrid Alaskan summer in Homer fishing with Captain Scott. Average Dudes of the World Unite we have nothing to loose but our keys!
On point #5. DON't be a dude!
Oso, please clarify the "dude" comment concerning point no. 5.
Oso, thanks for the tips. We are waaaay ahead of you. Considering the waking hours, we've actually seen a shit load of shit.
And yes, you were right on when you told me that I would be in a constant state of tripping on what I was about to witness. I've taken more photos in two days here than I have in the last ten years.
Seen prison, pollo pointed out cemetary. We'll check that out soon.
Caro is hot, and what the fuck do you mean about not being a dude. For a dude to tell a dude not to be a dude, is cause for slight confusion, even for an average dude.
About the bus. Yeah man, we could have saved two to three cents yesterday if we would have walked. Oh yeah, one beer. But dude, you could be proud because we saved 7 beers by not taking cabs.
Plus it was at night, but I guess that doesn't necessarily count, since I walked all over the city at 5 am looking gd.
Have you ever hear anybody cry No dude don't do it. or just a plain duuuuuuude wtf well that's what it means. There are dudes and then there are average dudes. When one says don't be a dude, it means don't fuck up. Although part of being an average dude means that one has the inate ability to fuck up and not even know it.
Got a technical question. If I had a digital camera could I take a picture and download it to the computer and be able to post it without a bunch of technical headaches. This could be the issue that forces me into the age of digital fotos..It is 3:20 here in the Burg.
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