The Price of Authenticity

Speaking of which... Here it goes... "Hey man how could you cut me? I've been nominated for teacher of the yhear two years in a row. " The English teacher indignantly informs the helpless and powerless principal.
"Well we just don't think White Bear Lake is the right match for you. We're sure you would do great in a different school," the principal stated mechanically.
"Look man, I was hired here for the specific reason to bring diversity to the district, and now your telling me White Bear Lake isn't right for me? Of course it's not right for me! If it were right for me that would defeate the entire purpose of hiring me in te first place. If this were right for me, I would not be bringing diversity to the district and, therfore, I'd be like everyone else, and I have to repeat myself here to emphasis the undeniable fact that I am being cut for the precise reason that I was hired in the first place.
Assistant superintendent: we understand your frustration, but it is your very frustration that leads us to the decision that you'd be happier elsewhere.
"So would you grant me the courtesy of telling me where you think I would find a place that's right for me? "
Principal: "Well, since you refuse to follow school policies, and demonstrate little to no respect toward staf developmentmeetings, I would say you should consider an alternative profession."
"An alternative profession!? Dp upi gius lmpw jpw ;pmg O\ve beem teaching and what it means to me?"
"Yes. we imderstamd..."
"Teaching is my life. Ask any teacher in this school to describe his/her philosphy of teaching his/her subject, and you will get blank and/or panicky looks. Go ahead and ask me ANY question concerning English, and I gaurantee there will be NO hesitaion in my response."
"But you'r already done here."
"Aren't you even human enough or even intellectually courious enough to hear what this "cut" teacher has to say?"
"We've got a meeting in five minutes."
"Ok, I won't keep you, but would you please satisfy my curiousity on one point? I'll never bother you again regardless of your responses."
Reluctantly the Ass. Prince aquieces.
"Ok, here it comes... In your opinion, what is the point of teaching literature and writing?
"What lomd pf a question is that?
"Do you mean to tell me that you have not asked youselves that question, and yhe you feel confident about choosing who teaches english in your school and who doesn't?"
Defensively, "It's not about the individual instruction a teacher provides. \it's his/her willingness to be a team player."
"Yeah but you're not answering the ..."
"A school cannot function properl;y with teachers who don't value tjhe school policy and refuse to adher to recommendations from the principal."
"The principal!? Who's teh principal? So far he is someone who cannot articulate the purpose of teachign literature and writing! In fact, I'll leave this office right now without so much as a frown if eiother of you could articulate the purpose of any class,.....
Sounds like you have to adjust your fuel mixture on your carb. Your running a little rich. Maybe its the smoky air in Asuncion. Possible over stimulation and no restraints. Whatever just keep inhaling!
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