The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
Cuz Ed yes it is hotter than hell at least yesterday here in the Burg. Cuz ED a titty fan? Would have never guessed. Keep the pics coming!
Jesus is a'comin BLACK!
full credit to best fight story..
Yeah Oso, I'm a titty fan. It's amazing what you can get your wife to do when it's 100 degrees and the ac is broke :)
Pollo: Giant Size, OUtta Sight!
those are lovely tits..
ice just regained the ability to walk and talk at the same time after a bit of something resembling a hard core asthma attack, most likely brought on by today's bus adventures...i opened this page and the dude came back to life..
i was getting concerned, and those tits may have saved us a trip to the emergency room..
i thank you.
I was just thinking about the iceman's attack. Claritin type anti-histamines might help prevent it. A quick infusion of Pajarito mate(not terrere) may have helped due to the different types of caffeine compunds in it. Hay las mujeres de jujos. Oso is headed to the blueberry farm for liquado fuel.
Did Iceman start smoking again?
Hey Pollo, you can always count on me for a titty pic.
Pollo, now I get why you kept having the urge for a vodka cranberry, duh, it hit me while I was driving and a hot chick in a skimpy halter top passed me driving a cranberry colored ford pinto with vanity plates that read: "nips" ...well, not really but it sure is pretty to think so.
No smokes for me Ed. I'm repulsed by the idea and must hang at least 10 yards away from pollo, during poolside chat seshes.
Oso, Ironically, it was our bus trip to find the herbal chicks that brought on the attacks. Pollo said it was the most polluted and nastiest road in asuncion. The herbs solved the attack problem within twenty minutes, shortly before loss of consciousness. Caro knows what she's doing man. I owe her big, not to mention she's been washing my stinky ass socks for a month. Big propina man.
As a result, I cannot really leave the jardin, which means fishing may be out of the question, unless by some miracle, we can score a car. Furthermore, Pollo checked into the fishing and the fishing dudes said no go as far as catching anything this time of year. No answer to the question why.
On a lighter note. I almost got to see jesus, who pollo says is white, but we did not have time, since we had to bring the car back to the wheel.
I guess I'll just have to wait until he comes black.
Cuz ed, it's the 20th, time to pay the chase/visa bill and perhaps even the Bremer.
Any unemployment checks arrive yet? Feel free to look in the envelopes to give me the score.
Caro's gran propina slightly depends on it.
Oso, has anyone told you that you are the dude, duder, or duderino?
Sabado, we go for a hardcore grill sesh, and since oso is not here, I get to be grillmaster.
Remember to use the light so you can see the bbq(can't remember the word for it). About being the dude, when I underwent a radical makeover(only one picture exists) I walked into the local javajoint and the owner looked at me incredulously and asked "Are you the Dude?" What else can I say?
Ice, I paid the Bremer bill (the minimum amount required) and the chase bill. I'm pretty sure unemployment checks have arrived but I have yet to open the envelopes. Do you want me to do so and then deposit?
Your lawn is saved (and I didn't have to mow one time)! Your cat is MIA! Your beer is getting low! Why didn't you leave me any frozen pizza? The GH persists! The new Ish has arrived!
Glad you didn't get to see Jesus, if Pollo's right and that guy's white my left testicle is a republican...unless of course he's talking about some guy he knows goes by Chewy.
I'd like to come for the BBQ on Sabado but the fam's got plans. What do they grill down there anyway?
MEAT Chorizo de lomo.
Thanks for paying the bills Ed. I'll let you know about the deposit call after I gain the courage to look at my bank account balance or lack there of.
About the new ish, I'm writing a letter to Hefner man. I'm still pissed about not receiving the May ish, and also a bit indignant about no colombian ishes. Furthermore, the dude needs to be reprimanded for shitty uruguay and argentine ishes. Oh and he gave the p mate of the year award to miss june of 2005. That's just plane wrong. He could make it up to me with an invite to one of his parties though, but only if miss july is there.
all I know is that p boy is benighy except when it's siblimely The ne wish rocks the cash bar.
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