Friday, December 29, 2006

Sitched Again!

Now that it is nearing the end of 2006 it is time to remember the biggest and baddest stich point situation that you have had. Anything goes. All points are erased on January 1st(with the exception of court related sitches that have not been resolved).

Monday, December 18, 2006

Her Aura was Blue, a teacher...advanced.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Pinochet is Dead!

Now that the butcher Pinochet is dead(unfortunately he did not get the Somoza treatment) we will have a new place to either take a shit or piss. Wherever his remains are put and a memorial plaque or something placed wil be designated as a mandatory spot to relieve oneself. Another one of those spots is the grave of John D Rockefeller(right here in Lakeview cemetary in Cleveburg. So first one to Chile will get the honor!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Combing Jesus's Hair: A Poem by Bree

Combing Jesus's Hair my man barry told me there was a church in Paraguay had a Christ statue with real, human hair. the people, they brot combs each week, to brush that Jesus's hair. i sed, such a church xists? i mean w/o a proper whore? he sed, dont worry Bree, thay got sluts around the corner. breathing life into the winos. givin feelins up the professors jeans. coppin feels on cops. and havin just a dandy w/'em. i sed, we''ll mousse 'em. ill shampoo the savior, u make rice. empanadas later, we'll share a green sauce no ladies naughty or nice can seethe over. no man in his black suit can disregard. i mean each saint and soldier will walk with us, stately thru the boulevard.