Friday, February 23, 2007

This Is A Guampa

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Shrove Tuesday

Well, Oso, I'm sure you've realized by now the answer to the question you posed last night, "When is marti gras anyway?"

Sitch point update: in addition to my current 9,000, I claim 5,000 more for leaving my only guampa 400 miles north of here, 10,000 more for having my dad call me evil and express regret about my being born. Grand total 24,000 sitch points. However, I'll get some negs when Oso mails me his guampa that froze in his truck.

Oso was somehow able to escape the weekend with neutral sitch points to my knowledge. Who knows what happened at the air port THIS time. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh Shit! We are going to get hammered!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Thank You Michelle For This Picture of the Whale Eye

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sitch Torneo de 2007

Ok, here's the sitch. We continue to post sitches for which points will be awarded. Question#1: do we continue to self-award, or do we create a point system, or do we leave it to the neutral dudes in Geneva? Potential new rule, inspired by Pollo: Award sitch points to average dudes who are able to predict sitches and/or outcome of sitches. Yes, this especially applies to other average dudes' sitches. Question #2: Again, how do we score?

I say we award 1,ooo sitch points to all posted sitches regardless, but those points can be lessoned or negated by another average dude with legitimate complaint. This complaint of course, can again be overturned by any other average dude with legitimate reason for overturning, which in turn can a be again overturned by any average dude, etc. etc.

Then we could automatically award 2,ooo sitch points to whomever predicts any outcome to any sitch, and yes any average dude can be awarded points for predicting the outcome of his own sitch. In the event of a tie, which will occur practically every time I predict, all average dudes with the correct prediction get the same amount of points.

Feel free to amend any of the aforementioned rules, as the torneo is still relatively in its infancy.

Let the games begin!