The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
do you get the feeling that cfnick might be the same spammer as jjb998?
no man, this average dude thing hit the market and has been misunderstood and trivialized. it is common for people striving to be seen as cool to memorize spew phrases.
At last the whale eye. Do you dudes realize that we are now offering a service that no other website in the world offers?
Too late to do anything about it though, since it was probably jacked the second it was posted.
We each get 1,000 sitch points. Wait, it is no longer taboo to photograph the whale eye is it. Phew, that was a close one.
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