The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
Let me guess... Johnny Cashed Ricky in the joint? Ricky's cashed joint made Johnny mad? Johnny was in the joint while Ricky cashed his? Ricky cashed Johnny's joint? Johnny cashed Ricky's joint? Johnny got pissed because Ricky would not let him cash his joint? Johnny thinks Ricky should be in the joint for cashing his own joint? Ricky wishes he was in the joint so that he could cash Johnny's joint? Johnny was cashed when Ricky demanded Ass sociation in the joint with the joint?
something like that, or Ricky got busted by the NFL for smoking pot again and faces a year suspension.
"There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
You and Hamlet got that right Ice. It kinda makes writing things on a blog absurdly pointless. Yet we do it anyway, though I find bitching about society's collective ideas of right and wrong to be cathartic at times...maybe that's why Jesus smashed the temple...or not.
Hey Cuz Ed, are you saying that the only way I'll be able to legally consume barbituates is if I commit murder in California?
And if so, is there a state where I can commit a crime that will result in forced consumption of pot? Mandatory bong hits eddi!
Somewhere in the labrynths of the castle, someone is thinking, "If weed is bad, then why not give it to criminals as a punishment?" "Hey and the inmates will be much easier to control!"
And in that same castle someone with a phd is saying, "that's brilliant doctor peterson."
That's exactly what I'm saying Icey!!! You hit the nose right on the head. Mandatory bong hits and death row barbituates! I think we've just figured it out. Although phd and Dr. Peterson are allusions of which I am not privy.
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