Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Peace Pole

This is the first Peace Pole in North St. Paul that I know of. If any of you average dudes every hear someone talk about a peace pole, you will not have to ask, "What the fuck is peace pole?" any longer.
These are peaceful children who embrace peace. Every time they have a conflict with one another, they get sent to the pole to reconnect with their inner peace.
This motherfucker has peace written on it in 38 languages. I find it amusing that "peace" in norweigen and swedish, is "fred."

Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin RIP

1. Shit
2. Piss
3. Fuck
4. Cunt
5. Cocksucker
6. Motherfucker
7. Tits

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Average Dude at Catalina Island

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

austria to win Eurocup

Cerveza gratis de por vida a cada austriaco que haga gol

VIENA. (dpa). Cada jugador austriaco que marque un gol en la Eurocopa de fútbol tendrá asegurada cerveza gratis de por vida, según anunció un ingenioso cervecero.