The Peace Pole

This is the first Peace Pole in North St. Paul that I know of. If any of you average dudes every hear someone talk about a peace pole, you will not have to ask, "What the fuck is peace pole?" any longer.
These are peaceful children who embrace peace. Every time they have a conflict with one another, they get sent to the pole to reconnect with their inner peace.
This motherfucker has peace written on it in 38 languages. I find it amusing that "peace" in norweigen and swedish, is "fred."
the grass is grateful. now, we have a place to peace.
yeah,this is Gracie intruding the blog.
Iceman did not mention that he was already sent to hug the peace pole...
Whew I was worried that ice had lost it. Yes I have seen countless peace poles. Oberlin, hiram, cleveland Heights among other places. Note that Oberlin and Cleveland Heights are self proclaimed "nuclear free zones". What does that mean?
I think one of my favorite bumper stickers is "envision whilred peas."
And just on gp ice gets 500 points for Gracie's intrusion!
500 points sounds about right. Do I get those points retracted if I piss on the peace pole?
dude, you can't retract Sitch! points. that would be like giving a mcpussy pad back.
What if the pad recipient pissed on the pad in the presence of the giver?
You would probably get your dick chopped off.
While walking the dog yesterday I walked through this gazebo type structure at the end of my street(for the first time ever). Low and behold there was a peace pole(less than a quarter mile from the house!) The question is do I also live in anuclear free zone?
I thought that ave. dudes had the authority to give out pads, but that sitch points were self-calculated.
I will, however, give myself 500 sitch points for the wife intrusion and 5,000 sitch points for the god damn peace pole.
Oso, your zone is what you make it, or what your wife makes it. If you see wifey coming home with a long ass pole and some paint, get in your truck and drive.
In order to give out pads you gotta have pads.
Oh and after conversations with the boys in Geneva an average dude can recommend sitch points to another. In order for the points to be counted they must be claimed by the recipient.
pissing on a mcpussy pad in the presence of the giver? we've seen pads thrown at the giver, recipients duck out/run away, pads intentionally left behind, but never pissed on. i'd call that an appeal. it would have to go to geneva.
good point, iceman, about pads and points. poor analogy on the give/receive index.
oso sights agreement that ave dudes can recommend points. that would otherwise raise unsolicited advise ishes, had the words "ave dudes" been excluded and the "must be claimed" clause omitted. which leads us to the question "can points be retracted."
maybe, but you might get a pad.
Ok dudes. I agree with Oso that recommendations must be accepted. It's really the same with the pad. A dude can throw back the pad, like retracting sitch points, but as Pollo stated, that will result in additional pad in most cases.
Of course there are the dudes in Geneva to consider. If an ish needs a second look, we can always count on those dudes.
If a dude pissed on a pad that I gave him, I would surely not give him another.
I say if you piss on the pad you have to eat it. Pissing on a pad may be acceeptable in the context of a particular cleaning job where piss is the desired solvent. DOes such a job exists. That I do not know
oso, the only sitch i can think of which might favor piss on a pad vs.a golden shower is the Jellyfish Sitch. surely there a more. you can ask the GuaranĂ during your upcoming tour. we already know about the mysterious pissing yuyos. everybody was so blown away by the episode that nobody thought to ask why.
Oso, Stalin would be proud. Eating a piss filled pad sounds like something he'd enjoy making Bulgokov do.
did you really hug the peace pole dude?
why don't you just give peace a chance iceman?
why don't you just give peace a chance iceman?
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