McPussies Galore

Alright dudes, I typed in McPussy on google images and this is what came up. Sorry if some of your lives have been changed in a negative way, but that's what you get for not posting.
Now onto the point. I need more McPussy pads, a lot more. McPussies abound in these parts. I could probably legitimately give out 5-10 a day. So Oso, if you can bring back a box. Just go to the super, and ask if you can buy them all. You'll need them too. Also, I'm getting worried about running out of Caroline soap. God that shit is good. I wish I would have bought a box of that too. Not only that, but after the dream I had last night, I am going to definately need more Caroline in my shower.
I don't know what's going on with all you dudes, but I hope you're all well.
One I saw my first McPussy pad I asked myself what the fuck. Ice i have been checking various stores and did you know that there is a complete line of McPussy products. I was discussing the name McPussy with la bruha del norte and saying how it wouldn't wash in the US. She was asking me why this was so I didn't know how to explain it so I told her to ask Pollo. Well that's when I understood yoour previous question of concha or culo. Todos of course. La bruha said I was malo. Will do on the pads cause when you find yourself on a friday night washing the dishes you know you need a McPussy pad.
Wow the "facil de escurrir" logo on the package adds a whole level of meaning to the McPussy mop towel or whatever that is.
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