The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
Whose cooler is that? First a monkey, now an iceman? And, I must add, that cooler is immaculately white. It must be a long lost brother of mine.
That's the cooler that Martin and I bought for Pollo 3 years ago. It served heavy duty this trip always filled at patio side with ice and beer. THis icechest also went down the Apa river. Not much ice but it served as a place to put a couple of pico de patos and some other fish.
I think the reason it is so clean is that Pollo's domestica has a thing about ice and cleans the shit out of the cooler.
yeah ice, that cooler was here when you were, but we used the blue one with wheels as i had no other wheels. now it is in repose until july.
Dude fresh fish isn't stinky. In fact we had the fish for lunch several days later. THe little fish were made into soup and the big ones were cooked with tomatoes and onions
regarding the soup. mid dining, oso commented that there were no head with eyes with which to be reckoned, no were there any bones (we had had this soup before).I shared the observation with our kind hostess who smiled and shared the secret. We were enjoying a Guisado Licuado de Pescado.
Well I'm sure Eugene would agree with you about fresh fish not stinking; however, I would need more convincing. My hands stink for an entire day after handling fresh fish. I would not put fish in the same cooler as my beer.
In two days we will be watching a dude named "Coondick" washing down a live fish with his beer.
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