The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
Well, that photo could not have been taken in England. Canada perhaps.
Either way it has apathy painted all over it.
it's what's for dinner
Damn city workers...too lazy to pick up the roadkill.
especially considering Bird flu and the shortage of Turkeys over xmas
Dude, there used to be 12 wild turkeys in this reserve by my house. Last count, there were only 10. I may have to investigate further, but the turkey population does appear to be diminishing.
The Turkey conspiracy kicks in, I kid you not. My Suspicion is either al qaeda or China or both in co hoots.
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at my old house i came home one day to find a huge wild turkey on my neighbor's front stoop. He was just sitting there surveying the hood. I started getting hungry, and have to admit that thoughts of grabbing my shotgun in the basement did scamper through me mind. though the fear of the man was stronger than my need to poach wild turkey and so i just watched that gobbler from afar.
my neighbor's were fervent baptists never sure that they should allow their boys to frolic in the backyard with my young lasses for fear of catching open-mindedness and a general sense of wonder.
anyway, long story short, I suspect the christian fundamentalists as they are capable of damn near anything in the name of christ.
all this talk of wild turkey has made me thirsty.
i think maybe i'll just cook a goose for xmas dinner this year, cause then i can say that my goose is cooked.
I fucking hate turkey. I usually take a piece to be polite for Thanksgiving and then load up on mashed potatos and stuffing.
It's amazing what people will put themselves through in the name of tradition. Tradition = non change = death. Humans love to pursue death while claiming to enjoy life, which would require the pursuit of change/experimentation. But that's blasphemy!
Turkey's must die to preserve our deathlike state of being.
still thirsty iceman, now pass the whisky!
oh yeah, and you probably hate turkey cause you haven't had my version of the bird:
let the turkey roam in great open spaces, up on the free range.
slaughter when plump and juicy.
buy 2 frozen, put in cooler.
water, kosher salt, brown sugar, secret herbs and spices still they boil.
brine the fuckers in the cooler, two days on the porch in the great minnesota cooler. (priceless)
2 days gone, put one in the smoker and smoke it and put one in the oven and roast it.
baste and pray.
watch football and savor wine and beer encouragement.
gently chuckle as wife and daughters struggle to get ready in time.
cool. cut. and serve.
and a different bird everytime!
ah, the joys of the flesh...
I remember thanksgiving 1981 in boston. WE had a shitload of people over the house none of whom were relatives. We had turkeys roast beef stuffing all of the stuff. I brought the Wild Turkey(a half gallon). Everybody ate drank and smoked(not necessarily in that order). The only thing I know is that I woke up the next morning with pieces of brownies between my toes and the house a complete wreck. I guess it was a good thanksgiving.
We have wild turkeys just down the street who live on an oxbow island in the middle of the creek. You never see them but you hear them.
We also have a fair amount of Baptists in the neighborhood but I think that there are more Catholics. Atheists have been known to frequent the local watering holes. The only gunshots are when either a crack dealer gets capped or two people aat a party get into an arguement and decide to shoot it out.
Ahh the holidays are here in the Burg.
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