Thursday, December 06, 2007



Blogger Iceman said...

Which average dude seems more stoked about holding that Colt 45?

10:14 PM  
Blogger Oso blanco said...

Only question I have is how come the labels are backwards? Little smoke and mirrors?

5:32 AM  
Blogger Oso blanco said...

Duuuuudes! Upon close inspection of the photo I noticed that the Colt45s are not opened. Please tell me that you didn't just rent those beers for a photo op. Plus the pic makes a great background for the desktop.

7:01 AM  
Blogger Iceman said...

Oso, you are mistaken min froin. The bottles are open. Mine only has one swig out of it. I think cuz ed's is a virgin, but it is open.

I did try to get cuz ed to wait until we were at least half finished with the bottles before taking the photo, but the dude was most anxious to get it underway. I think the hat was causing an overwhelming urge to pay tribute to Ose Le Blanc.

7:57 AM  
Blogger ms. bree said...

Oso -seein' lids where
lids ain't is a sign
of "wishing sickness".

It seems you "wish" the lids
were still on so that the beer
in this perfect image were as
pristine as your mother's
first, unadulterated sip.

It is this lifelong search
for that "virgin" forty-ounce
beer that points to a much
deeper and unanswered call
of your sullied childhood.

9:20 AM  
Blogger CUZED said...

word ms. bree!

9:30 AM  
Blogger Iceman said...

Great psychoanalysis of Oso Le Blanc Ms. Bree. I'd have to agree.

12:21 PM  
Blogger pollo said...

if those beers get warm, set them aside for me, please.

5:08 PM  
Blogger CUZED said...

unfortch pollo those beers got drunk and so did we, though i am always fighting the warm beer ish and for lack of a warm beer drinking dude as was oft my thought, i suffered much consternation in the delivery of cold beers here to my drinking buddy (the fridge is small and full of family necessities and I am without an average dude fridge and the average dudes I am near drink copious amounts of this frigid libation we call beer).

where is one such as you to bring balance to the force?

The Guay, likely your answer...

8:19 PM  
Blogger Oso blanco said...

Ed...You have nature's freezer for the next few months. Trunk of car, porch, garage. As for warm beer count me in. Especially warm beer through a straw.
This years Martin Luther King Icefishing derby will be held on a Delta flight from Atl to BA. After that the only ice will be in the thermo or the freezer.
As for pristine beers, the only good beer is an empty beer.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Iceman said...

Oso, are you going to Buenos Aires that weekend? Are we to count you out of the Red Lake loop?

10:36 AM  
Blogger katweasel said...

nothing like Xmas cheer

5:37 PM  
Blogger Oso blanco said...

Only going to BA on route to the Guay. No I will be in Minnesota for the Presidents' weekend icefishing derby. Just doing a little extreme temperature moves. There's apossiblilty of 130 degree temperature shift in 24 hours. From frozen beer to very warm beer..just like that

7:02 AM  
Blogger Iceman said...

Damns skippy! 130 degree differential? Pollo beer meets Iceman beer in the extreme sense.

Katweasal, where are you these days? Eastern Europe? Western Europe? Canada?

8:38 AM  
Blogger CUZED said...

oso, here in the great white north we only have a small window for outdoor beer coolage. it falls between september 15 and thanksgiving.

one must be careful to use this opportunity as i had a 6 beer explosion in evidence one morning after a cold snappin' freeze that i had failed to anticipate.

i've lost beers in the garage, on the porch and in the car trunk. you'd think i'd learn but i don't.

11:13 AM  
Blogger Oso blanco said...

Let me know when you lose a bottle of vodka now that's cold. Who the hell is skippy?
The great white north? Whaat about the Hmong?

5:28 AM  
Blogger Oso blanco said...

Let me know when you lose a bottle of vodka now that's cold. Who the hell is skippy?
The great white north? Whaat about the Hmong?

5:28 AM  
Blogger Iceman said...

Skippy is a grey squirrel that always seems to be around when exclamations are needed/given.

6:40 AM  
Blogger CUZED said...

by white i mean the snow that abounds, not the master race (tongue in cheek).

and you are right, they are hmong us!

at what temperature does vodka freeze?

8:01 AM  

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