The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
2.29 us a bottle. easy.
3.29, I mean, god damn, the shit costs 25 bucks a kilo at the health food store.
Well I should also note that there is some manioca extract or something in it. I'm kind of afraid to drink it. I took it to the Spider to share with a friend but put it on ice and forgot about it. The price 2.59. Ice for cheap yerba mate in us check out latino stores. Usually you will find some real old Argentine stuff for a couple bucks for 500g. The health food assholes who sell it for 50 bucks a key(its organic) are ripoffs. I saw some really well manicured stuff(mate) for 10.00 a lb out at this tea and herb store in the country. Another hint go to where the South Americans live and shop. If only we could find the Bolivians and their cocamate. Pollo and I tried once at mercado cuatro only to find bearded midgets with sticks that beat naked dudes on the street.
i have inside source in OC.
It sounds like there are way more South Americans in Cleveland than here.
I plan on making an anual or bianual or even better a trianual trip to SA to make my mate scores.
2.59? I'm impressed. If that shit showed up here, I believe it would be more elite, depending on marketing of course.
Kids have finally stopped asking what I'm drinking at school this year, which is better than last year, where kids were still asking in June.
The bottled mate is not widely availiable here in the burg. In fact Malt=o=meal is an easier score. For 2.59 pollo would be set for a month of daily terrere(great word to type) and mate.
Ok the next question...How many people have taken you up when offered a hit off of the bombilla?
The bottled mate is not widely availiable here in the burg. In fact Malt=o=meal is an easier score. For 2.59 pollo would be set for a month of daily terrere(great word to type) and mate.
Ok the next question...How many people have taken you up when offered a hit off of the bombilla?
How the hell do you market bottled mate?
Oso, in the last 3 years, only three or four out of hundreds of students have asked. They are all well on their ways to becoming average dudes.
I have had three people ask. One just grabbed the guampa and drank it bypassing the bombilla reulting in a mouthful of yerba. The other 2 took sips. Yes 2 out of the three were stoners.
I have had three people ask. One just grabbed the guampa and drank it bypassing the bombilla reulting in a mouthful of yerba. The other 2 took sips. Yes 2 out of the three were stoners.
I have had three people ask. One just grabbed the guampa and drank it bypassing the bombilla reulting in a mouthful of yerba. The other 2 took sips. Yes 2 out of the three were stoners.
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