The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
That is an ave. dude set up for sure, but Oso, where's the Colt 45?
Dudes do not put colt 45 in their licuados. That particular licuado was frutillas, banana, Frambuesas, mango, youghurt and pulvo de marijuana(sin thc) and jugo de naranja
what happened to the toaster?
Nothing, just the usual wear and tear. Note:most avg dudes in el norte do not have maids.
Dude, I had a maid a couple years ago. She was an illegal alien. Evench, she wanted too much money, so we had to let her go. Damn man, who works for min. wage, when illegal aliens are demanding prices?
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