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Chingon! Si la hamburgesa es sinceramente chingon, yo quiero una.
Has probado Pollo?
El Chingon Burger: HOt dog patty topped with onions and jalapenos covered with jack cheese between 2 fried corn tortillas on a torta bun.
yep, i would.
Hey Oso, you forgot the egg on top.
Yeah put an egg on it and some pato hot sauce. MAybe even and avocado in there.
how about some fresh killed chaco boar bacon on top?
A Chingón Burger must come con huevo de plan. A Chingón sin huevo is like a cheeseburger sin queso.
I highly recommend thinking twice before ordering a Chingón con chile.
The bacon suggestion is a great idea, but I believe you will be better off using cornfed pork from USA, as opposed to chancho del chaco. La gente en la guay no chinga. Cogemos nomá.
Chingada madre pinche pendejo! Mire los mamones en la esquina! El rincon de los rincones!
Han visto un chango sin pelo?
the name's mcdaniels not mcdonalds, these rhymes are darrel's but the burgers are ronald's.
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