The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
i award myself 1000 Sitch! points for not stopping the run short after the first six km. loop when i felt some chaffing of the ass occuring.
Duuude ALWAYS STOP at the first sign of chafing especially in the Guay!
when i ran the half marathon in duluth some folks told me to put vaseline on my nipples, and as i witnessed about half way is that there were a few bleeders in the herd.
as far as i know vaseline works on the ass too, especially when it is hard to stop running due to "eye of the tiger fever"
Yeah lube it up ED. Culo cam is on its way!
what about Chapstix?
do they sell a super sized industrial version of chapstix?
If not, I'm thinking of a new cottage industry for the else where, say San Fran.
Oso, i suppose you'd be the resident expert on the culo cam.
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