Colombian Coke Lab

Remember to click to enlarge photos. This rather crude process proved to be efficient. These photos were taken around 8 am, 5 minutes from our camp. Dude did not want to be photographed for obvious reasons.
Notice the weed wacker, gasoline, baking soda, iodine and let's not forget sulferic acid.
Dude got 10 bucks a head for the tour. Count the people and do the math. Don't forget the camara man.
Apparantly all one needs is some plastic containers and some supplies from the local grocery store, and a little bit of know how.
Coca leaves are harvsted from the same plants once every three weeks.
Free samples?
I'll leave that one up to average dudes to decide.
When I looked at these pictures in my e-mail I was asking myself what is this dude making? Well I thought right. Free samples? At ten bucks a head for the tour(think of a brewery tour) you should at least get a golf ball as a souvenir. Fucking Moco Joe's eyes must have popped out.
One would think for ten bucks that a golf ball would be in order at least. Unforch, dude pulled paranoia card, but did allow some onsite investigation.
Moco Joe pulled out two cigarettes and took all the tobacco out of them.
Purple haze ensued.
holy schinkees.....
pio pio pio
how many people have heart attacks there?
Thanks to someone that I am a long way away
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