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Now that is funny, especially if torta has the same doble sentido in the guay as it does in Mexico. That is from the guay right?
worthy query. will begin some semantic investigation.
Yo voy a comprar mamones en el Super Seis. What can of worms did I open here?
Think about what a torta looks like when tipped up vertically.
Oh and Oso, in Mexico mamones cannot be bought or sold, you just want to kick the shit out of them.
Sort of like a Mcpussy burger?
Exactly like a mcpussy burger. Hey Oso, have you ever been accused of living in a cave?
gotta delve into the verbage of the guay. 'torta' here does not mean sandwhich, and if you put a cake on its side, nothing happens expcept the hottie inside falls out.
mexican mamon? ahhhhh. gotcha. de mamar. a mamon is one whose actions merits a beating or a McPussy pad. wild.
tortilla is an omlete like deal here. but there is nothing really funny about that.
No, nothing funny about tortilla being an omlete unless you are mexican and trip on the fact that omletes are made out of juevos. Juevos that are beat to hell no less.
Thanks for the report. People in the guay also have differnet ways of swearing. To the untrained ear the guayans seem like a pretty verbally clean people.
Remember that night I yelled chinga tu madre pendejos to those guayan dudes and they didn't even really notice. We would have been dead in Mexico.
Torta de pollo?
On the cave question...fucking polar bears live on ice floes not in caves. of course there are exceptions to the rule.
never mind the Ice Floes. Ice would have most likely asked you regardless of your apodo. Have you ever been accused of living in a cave?
On the cave question. One of my first times in Cleveland we were driving around lost and we kept seeing signs that said "More stadium parking". I immediately and verbally came to the conclusion that the name of the stadium was indeed More Stadium. Living in a cave implies that you have no contact with the outside world and are isolated. Fortunately I do not have any of these qualities. I have been accused of sometimes missing the obvious. When I see a torta, my favorite is al pastor, I see dinner or lunch not a McPussy burger. When you say the word torte I see a cake.
Nobody has asked me if I live in a cave. I did see a beer cave at a beverage store in NY the other day. I'm sure I could handle that.
Oso, you are right on the money about the implications of cave life; however the fact that you do not fit the description of a cave dweller does not rule out the possibility of someone "accusing" you of living in a cave.
For example, someone may resent the amount of time an oso spends sitting on the tailgate of his truck drinking Colt 45s and, consequently, accuse said Oso of being in his cave.
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