Say Hello to DFL Minnesota Senator Chuck Wiger (That's pronounced wigger)!
Notice the wig? It looks pretty good here actually. You should have seen it when this dude started charging up my driveway the other day. I was totally wigging hardcore about his wig that was flying around on his head, when he introduced himself and asked for my support, I said with a sort of laugh, "Oh, you're Chuck Wiger."
Then a look of totally being wigged out came over his face and he bolted. I was drunk and high at the time, so the meeting was very appropriate but short. I totally wigged out Chuck Wigger and his wig.
Hey <0, nice six toed cat. Where does the name come from. Oh yeah, and what are the lyrics to the "MASH" theme song again?
Oso, I got two forties of Colt 45 today with Cuz Ed. The Asian at the counter asked me if it was my desert. Of course I said yeah, but could not figure out how he knew that I just ate, and that this WAS my dessert. Then I remembered that I was in the ghetto with a toothpick in my mouth.
I opted for the health club instead of having my dessert. It's just chillin' in the fridge. I'll let you know how it all turns out.
Then a look of totally being wigged out came over his face and he bolted. I was drunk and high at the time, so the meeting was very appropriate but short. I totally wigged out Chuck Wigger and his wig.
Hey <0, nice six toed cat. Where does the name come from. Oh yeah, and what are the lyrics to the "MASH" theme song again?
Oso, I got two forties of Colt 45 today with Cuz Ed. The Asian at the counter asked me if it was my desert. Of course I said yeah, but could not figure out how he knew that I just ate, and that this WAS my dessert. Then I remembered that I was in the ghetto with a toothpick in my mouth.
I opted for the health club instead of having my dessert. It's just chillin' in the fridge. I'll let you know how it all turns out.
he gives a whole new meaning to "gettin' wiggy wid it."
You shoould of offered him some "milk and cookies."
with a colt .45 chaser.
I would have offered him milk and cookies, but he got wigged out before I could mention it.
hey, did wiggy win the big election or will he be crying in his colt .45?
Yeah did the wigger win?
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