Say Hello to DFL Minnesota Senator Chuck Wiger (That's pronounced wigger)!

Then a look of totally being wigged out came over his face and he bolted. I was drunk and high at the time, so the meeting was very appropriate but short. I totally wigged out Chuck Wigger and his wig.
Hey <0, nice six toed cat. Where does the name come from. Oh yeah, and what are the lyrics to the "MASH" theme song again?
Oso, I got two forties of Colt 45 today with Cuz Ed. The Asian at the counter asked me if it was my desert. Of course I said yeah, but could not figure out how he knew that I just ate, and that this WAS my dessert. Then I remembered that I was in the ghetto with a toothpick in my mouth.
I opted for the health club instead of having my dessert. It's just chillin' in the fridge. I'll let you know how it all turns out.
he gives a whole new meaning to "gettin' wiggy wid it."
You shoould of offered him some "milk and cookies."
with a colt .45 chaser.
I would have offered him milk and cookies, but he got wigged out before I could mention it.
hey, did wiggy win the big election or will he be crying in his colt .45?
Yeah did the wigger win?
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