Calling All Average Dudes
Calling all average dudes, wherever you may be. You now have a new venue for tremulous pontification and/or any average dude observations that you may want to share.
An average dude is somewhat difficult to define, as time=change=life, and as labels negate individuality; but in general, an average dude is basically an honest dude with slightly too much integrity and consciousness to be accepted by the bougeoise philistines who lurk in every corner of the world.
The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. As average dudes generally have few people with whom they can connect authentically (sometimes no one at all), I have created this blog to let average dudes everywhere know that they are far from alone.
Since average dudes seem to be somewhat scattered in an ever shrinking world, I thought of making use of one of the only legal anarchies of the world: the internet. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
Average dudes write, because that is the best way they can understand themselves and be understood by others. So Write on Brothers!
An average dude is somewhat difficult to define, as time=change=life, and as labels negate individuality; but in general, an average dude is basically an honest dude with slightly too much integrity and consciousness to be accepted by the bougeoise philistines who lurk in every corner of the world.
The Average Dude Blog welcomes authenticity, creativity, and philosophical discussion of any kind. As average dudes generally have few people with whom they can connect authentically (sometimes no one at all), I have created this blog to let average dudes everywhere know that they are far from alone.
Since average dudes seem to be somewhat scattered in an ever shrinking world, I thought of making use of one of the only legal anarchies of the world: the internet. With this venue, we no longer have to sit in our bunkers drinking warm beer and smoking cheap cigarettes, wondering which will come first, death or understanding.
Average dudes write, because that is the best way they can understand themselves and be understood by others. So Write on Brothers!
The "future" is a dream. The "past" is recollection of a dream. The "present" is an unlikely hypothesis.
-Wei Wu Wei, Posthumous Pieces (pg.20)
CuzED here, an average dude no doubt and no less.
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